Pet Wellness

What is pet wellness?
In the “Old Days,” when a dog’s average life span was 7-10 years and a cat was considered ancient at 13 years, nobody was all that concerned about Pet Wellness. Now-a-days, however, some dogs can live for 15+ happy years, and a cat isn’t “really old” until their 20th birthday. These remarkably increased life spans are due to Pet Wellness.

The first part of Pet Wellness is diet. Just by feeding the right amount of a high quality pet food, you can add years to your pet’s life.

Equally important, is the veterinarians ability to spot problems before they become life threatening. An annual check up lets your veterinarian check for external signs of illness. Skin problems, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, teeth problems, and increased thirst or urination are just a few of the things that a good veterinarian will discover during a comprehensive exam.

It is also a great help to be able to spot liver problems, kidney problems, diabetes, anemia, etc., before there are any external signs of illness. Our odds of helping an animal are, therefore, greatly increased with regular blood screens. At the West Hazleton Veterinary Hospital, we offer a Wellness Program that includes everything necessary to keep your pet as health as possible for as long as possible with a good discount. Call 570-455-2580 for more details.


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